Friday, December 24, 2010

GOD........Parents.........What's the difference?

I mean really. Except for the fact that we don't "see" God everyday, I don't see the point. For a child,(maybe not after we grow up)parents do no less than God and childhood is when we really need (God)parents.
The Quran says: "He is God, the One other than Whom there is no god, the knower of the hidden and the manifest, the Compassionate, the Merciful. He is God, the One other than Whom there is no god, the Commander, the All-powerful, Pure and Without Defect, the Bestower of Safety, the Protector, the Precious, the Mighty, the Sublime, the Most Elevated. Exempt and purified be He from the partners which they ascribe to Him."(59:22-23) and to a child parents are like that.
It's our parents who are the providers and the protectors of our lives when we are young. They love us as much as God (and if it were possible,even more) and if God is the most merciful, so are they to us. All these years when we are growing up,they ignore our mistakes and shortcomings without so much as noticing.They accept and love us with all our flaws, unbiased, unprejudiced. If we go astray, they show us the right path instead of hating us for our flaws. Isn't that what God would do?
And Mothers, no one (probably not even God) loves like a mother. It's the purest, noblest kind of love. It is irrational and selfless and it's beautiful when you feel it, when you are touched by it.
So it's not that hard to understand that God made parents for a reason. To do "God's work". To give us the love we deserve. To take care of us. And if anyone has words like "where is God?" or "God isn't fair!", think again buddy, he gave us all parents we probably don't need God till we have them (On second thoughts we do need God too but..... whatever!).


  1. Beautifully written. In fact our parents and teachers are the only gods.We may question , god is perfect, our parents are not? i take the answer from your profile,"the world we live in is flawed" and so are our gods."They accept and love us with all our flaws, unbiased, unprejudiced." They live their lives though us.

  2. @nirvan thanks man....... by the way i know u?
